La Roux

La Roux

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ice Cream Commandeering

“Hey can I get a hot fudge sundae? And could you make it like the poster out front.”

            “Umm… sure”

*Ring, Ring*

            “Hold on I have a phone call I will be with you in a second… Hello, yes this is John…Oh hey mother, how are you? That’s good to know… me I’m just here buying a hot fudge sundae. Ok mom I will save some for you when I get home… alright love you… What in God’s name! Mom ok yeah I really have to go bye. What the…What is that?” 

            “Sir it’s your hot fudge sundae”

            “I asked for it to look exactly like the poster out front”

            “What picture outside? Sir”

            “Don’t sir me, are you joking? Let me go get the poster… Here look at this, it’s a masterpiece, now compare it to yours… yeah I see no resemblance, in fact yours looks like the crap I took this morning… what did you do go to my house and steal my shit?”

            “Do you want me to give you a refund?”

            “I don’t want a fucking refund… here let me show you how it is done, excuse me let me go through”

            “Sir you are not allowed here”

            “I said excuse me”

            “Fine… do what ever you want”

            “Look what I’m doing… I am putting the poster right in front of me as a model for the artwork I will make, by creating an exact replica of the photo… let’s see… looks simple… 2 scoops of vanilla ice-cream placed exactly in the center of the cone… none of that lopsided turd you did… okay next you put the melted hot fudge all around the ice-cream exactly like the photo, see! The poster’s coming to life already! Then we add the whip cream on top… now before we do it we need to analyze the how whip scream swirls around the ice-cream, perfect it’s spiral, here we go… done! Wonderful! It’s perfect! And finally the last piece of the puzzle, the cherry on top! Ta-da, we are now finished! You see this is how you make a perfect hot fudge sundae… and look it’s like the poster came alive… isn’t it?”

“Are you serious…?  Ha-ha

I am definitely going to college and moving out of my parent’s house… I am not turning into an obsessive loser like you… you can have my apron, I quit” 

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